Dance embodies one of our most primal relationships to the universe. It is pre-verbal, beginning before words can be formed. It is innate in children before they possess command over language and is evoked when thoughts or emotions are too powerful for words to contain.
Children move naturally. They move to achieve mobility, they move to express a thought or feeling, and they move because it is joyful and feels wonderful. When their movement becomes consciously structured and is performed with awareness for its own sake, it becomes dance. Dance is a powerful ally for developing many of the attributes of a growing child. Dance helps children mature physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively. |
Through dance, children develop enhanced sensory awareness, cognition, and consciousness. It is this heightened state that creates the magic of movement that is dance.
Learning in a group setting helps kids be more social, more confident, get fit, and above all, have loads of fun doing it! The environment is charged with exciting fusion Bollywood music that gets their tiny toes tapping, and ready to rock the dance floor. We have kids anywhere from 4 years to teens attending various sessions. We also provide custom choreography for special events. Convenient weekday and weekend classes in a safe and secure, homely environment. |